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Dr. Juan Montiel presented at the International Symposium “Neuroscience & Artificial Intelligence for All”

Thursday 27 de August, 2020

Dr. Montiel presentation was about how the evolutionary mechanisms of the brain could inspire structural designs of artificial intelligence.

Dr. Juan Montiel, leader of the Integrated Neurosciences laboratory of the Center for Biomedical Research of the Faculty of Medicine, participated in the international symposium “Neuroscience & Artificial Intelligence for All”, which was held virtually on August 19 and 20.

The symposium brought together scientists specialized in neuroscience and artificial intelligence and graduate students from several Latin American countries. In this instance, Dr. Montiel presented the work entitled “How the evolutionary mechanisms of the brain could inspire structural designs of Artificial Intelligence?”.

It discusses how, throughout evolution and in particular in the evolutionary development of the brain, it is possible to observe the deployment of various adaptive biological mechanisms as a solution to environmental demands. In the talk, he also presented some examples of emerging evolutionary development strategies that allow increasing the brain’s computational capabilities and how the conservation, divergence and convergence of neurodevelopment would inspire the optimization of Artificial Intelligence systems.

Dr. Montiel comments that efforts will continue to develop multicenter collaborative work and the organization of training instances in Integrated Neuroscience for Latin American students.

The activity was organized by Dr. María Castelló of the Clemente Estable Biological Research Institute (IIBCE) and sponsored by the International Brain Research Organization / Latin America Regional Committee (IBRO-LARC), and the Basic Sciences Development Program (PEDEClBA ), Uruguay.

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