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Fanny Petermann

(Español) Profesora Asociada, Miembro Regular

Laboratory of Epidemiology




Fanny is a Chilean-Swiss researcher, doctor of public health, and nutritionist with extensive international experience in public health and lifestyles.

She has had the opportunity to collaborate and study at different universities in South America and Europe, such as the University of Concepción, Chile; the University of Harokopio, Greece, and the University of Glasgow, UK.

Fanny also speaks three languages ​​and has in-depth knowledge of statistics, the use of software, and advanced knowledge of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. This knowledge of hers has allowed her to lead or collaborate in more than 150 scientific articles, of which more than 50 are from the Web of Science (WoS).

“My main lines of research are lifestyles and their association with health events. Specifically, I am interested in the risk factors associated with aging, diet, physical activity, and sedentary lifestyle, among others. To do this, I use secondary data from observational studies to carry out high-level research,” says the academic.

Fanny has been awarded the “Universidad de Concepción” prize, awarded for academic excellence, and the “Becas Chile” doctoral scholarship in 2018, to carry out her doctorate in Public Health and Epidemiology at the University of Glasgow.

Regarding her projections, she points out: “I returned to Chile wanting to promote research in my country. My main objective is to continue my line of research with Chilean data to collect data on radiography in Chile in matters of public health and epidemiology, promoting collaboration at the national and international levels.”

Recognizing that collaboration is essential for the exchange of ideas and success in research, she currently actively participates with different research groups: ELHOC (formed by more than 10 Chilean universities) where she is also the deputy director; UK Biobank Glasgow University Research Group (United Kingdom), Food4me study (United Kingdom), MAUCO study, and INMA (Infancia y Medio Ambiente, Spain).

In addition, she is an associate editor in the Spanish Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics and an active reviewer in more than four journals. Fanny also certified her leadership skills in the “Oxford Women’s Leadership Development Program” in 2020.

Lines of Investigation



Characteristics and attitudes of women regarding their reproductive future and fertility preservation: a pilot study.

Funding Source

Fondo Asociativo UDP




In search of sustainable health in Chile: Role of interdisciplinary research


Revista Médica de Chile



A healthy eating score is inversely associated with depression in older adults: Results from the Chilean National Health Survey 2016–2017


Public Health Nutrition



Association of meat, vegetarian, pescatarian and fish-poultry diets with risk of 19 cancer sites and all cancer: findings from the UK Biobank prospective cohort study and meta-analysis


BMC medicine



Device-measured physical activity and incident affective disorders


BMC medicine